I've had the pleasure of teaching KGHypnobirthing to a number of wonderful parents in the UK, and since arriving back in New Zealand. Have a look at some testimonials to read about their thoughts.
"For any men who are doubtful of KGHypnobirthing, I would recommend it"
“I was at first slightly reticent to use KGHypnobirthing as I thought it relied on being hypnotised. I spoke to Anna about my concerns and she put my mind at ease about its uses and how it could help Stacey and myself through the birthing experience. I thought that it was going to be all for the mother, with the father just around to support but I found that reciting the scripts and practising the visualisations helped me through the labour too. It's pretty intense watching your partner so the weeks of practice helped me to stay focused and help Stacey through contractions. For any men who are doubtful of KGhypnobirthing, I would recommend it”
Greg - 2nd time Dad
"I wasn't emotionally or physically spent like I was with my first child's delivery".
"KGHypnobirthing was very helpful in educating us on all the natural physiological processes that occur during the entire labour process which gave me peace of mind and sense of trust in the body's amazing abilities. The relaxation exercises were great for helping me to relax in the late stages of my pregnancy. These exercises were also vital in allowing me to conserve energy and stay calm in the early stages of labour so that when I got to active labour I wasn't emotionally or physically spent like I was with my first child's delivery.
Although I didn't find I wanted to listen to the guided relaxation recordings during active labour my husband and I had great awareness around the importance of breathing as a result of the course. This meant I was able to deliver without an epidural this time and as a result my immediate post delivery state was more present and clear. We were also able to leave with our new baby after 3.5 hours from delivery whereas with my first child we had to stay 3 nights. We are really grateful to Anna for her guidance and care and her passion for what she does".
Anonymous - 2nd time Mum
"I felt like superwoman afterwards!"
"Anna is a thoroughly genuine and lovely person who instantly made me feel calm. I was due to have my second posterior birth and was rightfully anxious. With the relaxation and breathing techniques that I learned from Anna I was able to have a natural birth and felt like superwoman afterwards! I can’t recommend her services enough".
Emma - 2nd time Mum
"This practices makes us stronger and happier as a team "
“It was a big privilege to be part of Anna's KGHypnobirthing Course because it gave my partner and I so much knowledge and confidence to feel more empowered to prepare for the best possible birth for us.
We are not far from having baby #1 in our arms and so we try to practice lots of techniques for relaxation, breathing and positive statements. This practices makes us stronger and happier as a team and a family too!
Exited - happy - empowered - confident - supported - informed - positive - calm and natural are some of the words that I feel when I think of the word Birth thanks to this course.
Definitely we recommend it to any one”.
Emmie - 1st time Mum
"KGHypnobirthing works with both my scientific mind and the art of caring"
"I am so grateful I found KGHypnobirthing and Anna's course. I really was empowered by it (this is my first child) and was able to enjoy the birth experience. I had a home birth as planned and required no pain killers. My midwife was very supportive of hypno birthing (definitely important). Although I had read the book beforehand I felt Anna's course got me practicing the relaxation techniques with my husband. I'm a nurse by profession and KGHypnobirthing works with both my scientific mind and the art of caring. Thank you Anna for giving me this wonderful opportunity so late in my pregnancy."
Anonymous - 1st time Mum
"A positive birth experience"
“KGHypnobirthing was an important part of my preparation for birth. And I believe that all the meditation, facing my fears and breathing exercise help me to have a positive birth experience at the end”.
Pavla - 1st time Mum
"It was 100% worthwhile".
"Anna’s KGHypnobirthing course was hugely beneficial to my partner and I and instrumental in preparing us for the home birth of our son earlier this month. We first met Anna through our antenatal classes. When I found out Anna offered hypnobirthing courses I thought it must be meant to be! I had previously heard vaguely about hypnobirthing but knew little about what it actually involved. However, I knew it was something I wanted to look into. My partner and I had been exploring the idea of a home birth but we were undecided and somewhat hesitant as this was our first baby and we had no close friends who’d had a home birth. For me I knew I wanted a natural birth without intervention if possible. I realised that the best way to achieve this was to work on my head space and expose myself to more positive messages and stories. I’ve found that there are plenty of ‘scare stories’ we’re exposed to as parents-to-be so it’s important to try to tip the balance back toward the positive.
We did a private hypnobirthing course with Anna coming to our house. My partner and I both learned so much from the course, both practical tools and techniques and mental preparation. We learned some great breathing techniques, visualisations and affirmations to help get through each stage of labour. The course was also really valuable for my partner as he learned how to be be a great support person. After the course we both felt so positive and excited about the birth as opposed to nervous and apprehensive. We made good use of the course materials we were provided (MP3 downloads and KGHypnobirthing book) in the lead up to birth which kept us on track and in a good head space.
Overall I can say with certainty that Anna’s hypnobirthing course was highly valuable for us and made a significant difference in our birth experience. We had such a lovely home birth experience during which I used the breathing techniques Anna taught me. My partner reminded me about my breathing when things were intense and supported me with encouragement and affirmations. He also used some of the acupressure and massage techniques Anna taught him. The hypnobirthing course gave us confidence and totally reduced any fears that were lingering in the back of our minds. We went into our birth experience feeling calm and ready so for us it was 100% worthwhile. To anyone considering hypnobirthing during their pregnancy, I highly recommend getting in touch with Anna. She is wonderful!".
Ashleigh - first time Mum
"I came away pleased that I had gone"
"Despite initial skepticism I came away pleased that I had gone to this course as father of the child as it enabled me to play an important part in settling and relaxing my wife for the best possible birthing outcome."
"We couldn't have done what we just did without her help".
"We went to Anna's Hypnobirthing class when we were 20 weeks pregnant with our first child.
Basically, everything has changed once we learnt more about how birthing works, how we can change how we want to experience the birth and most importantly what the practices are we needed to do post course to be able to prepare and make our dream birth plan come true.
Anna is very knowledgeable, kind and supportive in any possible ways you can imagine. We couldn't have done what we just did without her help.
Highly recommend choosing her a doula as well as attending her Hypnobirthing courses.
Thank you Anna!"
"This has been the most beneficial thing we have done to prepare us for the birth and parenthood"
Rachael, Nov 2020
"Sam and I really do put down our really positive birth experience to our learnings from your course!"
Diana, 1st time parent - Dec 2020
"Thank you for empowering us to make decisions!"

Carolyne, 1st time parent - Dec 2020
"It was such a great investment in my birthing experience and mental health."
"I was experiencing significant antenatal anxiety during my second pregnancy because of birth trauma with my first child. I was very afraid of giving birth, and could not properly enjoy my pregnancy as a result.
Michelle, 2nd time parent - 2021
"Anna provides support both during and after the course."
"I would highly recommend Anna’s KGHypnobirthing course to anybody that’s expecting a little one! Anna has such a warm nature and creates a beautiful space in which you feel comfortable to share, relax and become informed.

Rhianna, 1st time parent - 2021
"The course gave me the confidence to be more assertive and to trust my body"
"Hi Anna,
Ruth and Richard - 1st time parent - 2021
"I will recommend your course to anyone I know who is expecting a baby!"
"I’ve finally got a moment to send you a message! We had our beautiful baby girl Ava on July the 8th. She’s gorgeous and we’re so in love! We tried all the tricks to encourage her to make an appearance but at 41 weeks and 6 days we were booked for an induction. I was feeling prepared and confident for the birth. I’d spent the final weeks of my pregnancy listening to the relaxations, going for light walks (mostly gutter walking) and getting acupuncture.
We settled into the birthing suite and I was given the first round of gel at about 9am. We spent the morning going for walks around the hospital and watching funny movies. I was given another round of gel at about 3pm and not long after I felt things starting to happen. I started to listen to the relaxations and focus on my breathing. The hospital midwife came in to see how things were progressing at around 6pm and as if on cue my waters broke! We asked to hold off on the syntocinon to see if things would progress naturally but they didn’t, so they gave me the drip at around 10pm.
Things progressed steadily for the next few hours. I was still feeling really calm and found the combination of the ‘up breath’ and the tens machine worked really well during the surges. The midwife & Mon were also helping out with acupressure points. I had hoped to get in the pool but the wireless monitor didn’t work when I had a shower so we had to give that a miss.
At about 1am things started to get really intense quite quickly. The midwife asked if I might want some gas which was a great suggestion. I hadn’t even thought of asking for gas or an epidural as I seemed to be managing the surges with my breathing and the tens machine. I’m really glad she suggested the gas though as I think it really helped in those final stages! There were some pretty intense moments when the baby was making big moves, but once I had the timing of the gas and the tens machine at the start of a surge I was able to manage it.
There was an hour of pushing and Ava was born at 4:02am, weighing 3.75kg. I’m not sure how much of the ‘down breath’ I used towards the end there, it’s all a bit of a blur!
I’m so glad we did your hypnobirthing course! I think it prepared Mon and I for a really positive birth experience. It helped me feel prepared for what might happen during the labour and confident that I could do it. The midwife commented on how calm I was throughout the birth and I honestly believe it was because of your course, so thank you! I will recommend your course to anyone I know who is expecting a baby. Thank you so much".
Mon, Claire & baby Ava 1st time parents - 2021
"It's a shame hypnobirthing is not as widespread. It would really benefit all expecting moms (and babies!)!"
"Hi Anna! Hope you're well. Had our baby just yesterday. Just wanted to say how grateful I am, having attended your class. The hospital midwives were surprised that I was already fully dilated since I was apparently so calm 😅 Also, I wasn't easily frustrated/ disappointed that I wasn't able to do home birth as planned.
In the end, I still got the "normal," non medicalised water birth I hoped for but just in the hospital. It's a shame hypnobirthing is not as widespread. It would really benefit all expecting moms (and babies!)".
Marian, 1st time parent - 2022
"We had a successful planned homebirth which progressed smoothly and quickly. I am so glad we did Anna's KGH course and I would absolutely recommend it to any parents-to-be".
"A few friends had recommended hypnobirthing to us and I was interested in learning what I could do to prepare for such an intense experience, and how my partner could be involved and support me through the birth. Anna introduced the course by saying her aim was to help us feel mentally and emotionally prepared and that she wasn't going to hypnotise us! As a very practical person, I initially wasn't sure how the affirmations, relaxations and visualisations would help me, but I learned that you can choose which tools suit you best, and the practice is so important. We had a successful planned homebirth which progressed smoothly and quickly, I knew what I needed and wanted and my partner knew how to help me, because the course had allowed us to talk this through together in advance. After our baby arrived, the placenta didn't want to come out so we had to transfer to hospital. Again our hypnobirthing practice helped us both stay calm for what could have been a stressful experience. I am so glad we did Anna's KGH course and I would absolutely recommend it to any parents-to-be.
"Susie, 1st time Mum - 2024
"Birth isn't something we suffer, but something we actively do, and exalt in!"
Sheila Kitzinger
"Anna made us feel incredibly relaxed about birth and also whatever was right for us"
“Our KGHypnobirthing course delivered by the wonderful Anna Driver was an enlightening experience in itself; a perfect way to stop and think about what the birth of our child really meant and how, ideally, we would like it to happen. The downward breathing and the visualisation of the flower opening was sooo useful. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours. What a feeling when he came out! The best moment of my life meeting my son for the first time! Anna made us feel incredibly relaxed about birth and also whatever was right for us. The content of the course was extremely interesting and relevant and even after the birth and now our beautiful son is here, the philosophies behind KGHypnobirthing are important to us”
Polly - 1st time Mum
"She created a safe space to discuss difficult thoughts and clearly show KGHypnobirthing techniques to help"
“Working with Anna to understand how KGHypnobirthing could help my labour was one of the best decisions I made during my pregnancy. Anna was extremely understanding of my fears and I felt I could explain myself without fear of judgement or condescension. She created a safe space to discuss difficult thoughts and clearly show KGHypnobirthing techniques to help. The written material she gave us was extremely thorough and very clear; we enjoyed getting our folder out every night before bed to practice our scripts together. I used these visualisations during early labour to calm and focus me. I had a natural birth in a birthing pool only using gas and air towards the end. I used all the KGHypnobirthing techniques through early labour and was feeling calm, relaxed and focused to let out the animal in me for established labour and pushing phase! Using the KGHypnobirthing techniques Anna taught us changed the last few weeks of pregnancy into a relaxed time, I just wish I had started earlier!”
Stacey - 2nd time Mum
"I would advise every women to do it!”
“Thank you Anna for my lovely KGHypnobirthing session! It was brilliant and it helped me towards having a very relaxed and stress-free labour! Was unsure if KGHypnobirthing would work as I was having my second child, but I can honestly say that it is amazing and I would advise every women to do it!”
Anonymous - 2nd time parent
"It made a big difference"
“We are really grateful to Anna her guidance and care and her passion for what she does. We did the KGHypnobirthing course through Anna and we believe it made a big difference with the delivery of a second child. We would definitely recommend Anna if you're considering a natural (pain-relief free) delivery”.
Cheryl - 2nd time Mum
"I felt empowered"
"The breathing and KGHypnobirthing mindset was enormously helpful in the days leading up to the birth and during labour. I used breathing and the pool and didn’t need any pain relief or intervention – so I felt like the work we did together really helped me to have an efficient and smooth delivery (she was born 5 hours after we got to hospital). We’ve had a wonderful first week with her. I feel quite overwhelmed that I was able to go through labour without pain relief and I felt empowered by how helpful the breathing was. The midwife had to break my waters manually and after that the intensity of the contractions increased a lot. After that I remember a handful of times when felt panicked, cursed and felt like I couldn’t handle the pain and wasn’t able to push her out, but I realised that this mindset wasn’t helping to ease the pain and that focusing on my breathing helped so much more. Understanding the relationship between fear – tension – pain helped me switch my focus to breathing. I will definitely talk about birth differently to people from now on”.
Susannah - 1st time Mum
"I was focused and in control"
"Attending Anna Driver’s KGHypnobirthing course was absolutely the best thing I could have done to prepare for the birth of my second child. After a difficult first birth I felt quite afraid about birthing a second time. I joined Anna’s course as a way of having some extra tools in my toolkit to help me through birth. It turned out that KGHypnobirthing changed everything for me and became a huge part of my pregnancy too.
Anna’s course not only taught me invaluable skills around breathing and visualisations but also how to take control of my pregnancy and birth. Through my daily practise I slowly gained confidence in my ability to birth, the fear I had eased and by the time the birth came around I was focused and in control and I knew exactly what I wanted and needed to do to have a positive birthing experience.
Anna has been completely supportive throughout this entire process. She really cares. She delivers a personal, friendly and informative course in a safe environment. She ultimately wants the best for her clients and celebrates with them along the way.
Thank you Anna!"
Anonymous - 2nd time Mum
"I would highly recommend Anna’s services to anyone"
"I first came across Anna when I saw her advert for Hypnobirthing taster classes. Having had friends back home in the UK that used KGHypnobirthing with great results I decided to send Anna a message. I can remember liking Anna from her first email response, her warmth and positivity was so apparent. My partner and I signed up for her course and found it incredibly useful, informative, educational and fun, Anna is a great teacher. Following on from the course we practiced the Hypnobirthing techniques and started to discuss how we ideally would like our birth to be (as much as one can plan these things). Due to having all our family back home in the UK and the information we had read about the positive impacts of having a Doula at your birth we decided this was a step we would like to take, Anna was of course our first choice!
As a Doula, Anna was a great help and support to us during my pregnancy. She came to our home for visits and attended a midwife appointment with us to discuss our birth plan as well as answering any questions I had at any time. She also lent me books and information.
When my labour began at home but didn’t progress as we had hoped Anna was an invaluable support on the phone and made some great suggestions to help it along including the Rebozo technique. When we finally went into hospital after several sleepless nights Anna met us there and provided great emotional support and helped us make some informed decisions which, despite being far away from our original wishes for birth, were definitely the right ones at the time. Thanks to the Hypnobirthing course we had considered all birth scenarios and Anna was an invauable support to both my partner and I during Orla’s birth. I really don’t think we could have done it without her. Her encouragement and emotional as well as physical support made so much difference to me (such as counter pressure during contractions, feeding me water constantly, taking photographs which we might have forgotten to do!).
Anna came to see us a week after Orla’s birth and brought me vegan lactation cookies she had made, amazing! It was very beneficial to be able to talk through and process the birth and the immediate post-partum period with her. I would highly recommend Anna’s services to anyone, be at as a Hypnobirthing teacher, Doula or Post-Partum Doula. Thank-you Anna x"
Zoe - 1st time Mum
"This was the first time I had been able to feel like I had a serious role to play, rather than being a passenger".
Anonymous new Dad, 2o2o
"I loved sharing this time with my husband".
Alejandra, First time Mum - 2o2o
"I can confidently, happily say that I have a positive birth story, and I attribute much of that to Anna and her hypnobirthing course".
"Anna's course gave me the confidence I needed to own my birth story. Compared to my antenatal course, which despite being very helpful and connecting me with great people ultimately left me feeling anxious and totally unsure of myself, Anna's course made me feel empowered, capable, and genuinely eager and excited for labour to start. Although I moved between using the techniques I learned in Anna's course and older meditations I'd practiced to stay calm during labour, I know that the course was instrumental in enabling me to believe in myself throughout the whole birth and to trust my intuition, which turned out to be critical with a much shorter first stage of labour than expected. Not everything went according to plan at the birth (plan A anyway), but with the preparation we'd done following Anna's course, we were able to make decisions quickly and respond to the situation. I can confidently, happily say that I have a positive birth story, and I attribute much of that to Anna and her hypnobirthing course. Alongside pregnancy yoga it's one of the most critical things my partner and I did to prepare for birth, and I recommend it to everyone. Thank you, Anna!
Jenny - 1st time parent, Oct 2o2o
"The hypnobirthing skills we learnt with Anna were front and centre for both of us".
"We had a really lovely birth experience. I labored for about 2 days at home, then went to hospital and our little one arrived within 5 hours. The hypnobirthing skills we learnt with Anna were front and centre for both of us. We had been listening to the audios each night for about two months prior. I was very relaxed throughout the pregnancy and during birth my husband was able to cue me with breathing when the surges were coming. Thank you again for the course, it made the world of difference for us!"
Rachael - 1st time parent, Nov 2o2o
"The guided relaxations we did during the course were so relaxing and peaceful".
"I really enjoyed Anna’s birth preparation classes. I have not yet had my baby, but I already feel more prepared for and less stressed about the coming event. My last birth was a caesarian (due to breech presentation) and I am hoping to give birth vaginally this time. Anna’s course made me feel confident and positive about attempting a vaginal birth, while emphasising that I can still have a positive birth experience even if I end up needing another caesarean. The guided relaxations we did during the course were so relaxing and peaceful, I felt like I was floating between being awake and asleep! Spending focussed birth preparation time with my husband during the courses and afterwards has helped bring us closer together and has made the pregnancy seem more like a shared experience. Thank you!"
Anonymous 2nd time parent - June 2o21
"I honestly belive that it should be done by all parents to be".
"My husband and I attended the Hypnobirthing course with Anna. I could not recommend it enough, I honestly belive that it should be done by all parents to be. It's not about having a perfect delivery, but having the right mindset. My labor was quite intense and long but I felt strong, confident and well informed. I knew my options and made right choices along the way thanks to Anna's course. I delivered a healthy baby and feel like it was the most amazing moment in my life, and I know I wouldn't be able to achieve this without good mental preparation and knowledge shared by Anna. Thank you Anna "
Agnes - First time parent, 2o21
"Whilst they put the epidural in and was told that I was 'incredibly still' and relaxed!".
"Our little boy arrived in September and we are all getting to know each other. He is utterly gorgeous 😍 His birth didn't quite follow Plan A (a C section with epidural) as two epidurals failed to work properly (I listened to the 'magic carpet' track whilst they put the epidural in and was told that I was 'incredibly still' and relaxed!) and bubs was getting upset so I ended up with a section under general, but even then the hospital staff were wonderful and I was in a really good headspace to simply focus on being relaxed and focusing on getting a healthy baby - which we did! Thank you so much for your amazing course, we listened to the relaxation tracks every night leading up to the birth which so helped us be more relaxed and focused".
First time parent 2021
"It brought a really positive, loving and optimistic new perspective about birth".
"We recently finished a Hypnobirthing course with Anna, and we can't be thankful enough. Anna guides you through the many topics, view points and layers that giving birth brings. She creates a safe and enriched space for parents-to-be to feel comfortable to ask and open up, with respect, care and curiosity. She is really welcoming and makes sure you can have all the information, knowledge and tools to prepare yourself for birthing.
Dani and Diego, First time parents 2022
"It brought a really positive, loving and optimistic new perspective about birth".
"Anna’s course exceeded our expectations. Anna is a warm, inclusive and knowledgeable facilitator that focuses on empowering women to be confident and comfortable with their birth choices, regardless of what type of birth they choose. The relaxation techniques were excellent and the birth stories shared were diverse and inspiring. We also now understand the labour process and what my body will do. My partner also feels more confident about what he can do. The course has removed much of the apprehension I had about birth and made me feel much more prepared. Thank you Anna!”
Hannah, First time Mum, 2022
"Your course really prepared me for a c section, even though at the time I really didn't think I would end up having one!".
"Kia ora Anna, just wanted to let you know that baby Emily was born on her due date March 15th via elective c section and we found it to be a really positive experience. I had a mild panic as we were walking into the room but as soon as I sat on the table to get the spinal and focused on my breathing I felt really calm, the anesthetist even had to ask if I was okay a few times whilst the spinal was going in because I was just in my own little world focusing on my breathing. We had our music playing and the whole room had a very relaxed vibe. Emily had to go to the resus table for 15 minutes straight away as she struggled with her breathing but the staff were so good at keeping me informed about what was going on that i didnt feel too anxious abour her. As soon as she was able to she went on my chest and started trying to latch straight away and I spent the next couple of hours doing skin to skin with her which was just amazing.
Charlotte, First time Mum, 2022
"The course really gives you concrete ways to support your partner through birth!".
"My partner signed us up for Anna's hypnobirthing course, and I thought, cool, another baby course. At the time I did not realise it would be the most valuable preparation for me as the non-birth giving partner of any of the preparation we did. The course really gives you concrete ways to support your partner through birth. It helped us prepare mentally for the labour, and gave me the tools to help advocate for my partner during the birth. The course also helped facilitate the conversations between us about what we wanted our birth plan to be and how to manage when changes to that birth plan are needed. What it ultimately did for us was make us resilient to the highs and lows of the labour event, and allowed us to come out the other end feeling that it was a positive experience even though it didn't go exactly as planned"